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Hostwinds 退款政策:新购或续费都可退款,最长退款期 30 天


之前一直都在介绍 Hostwinds 购买教程,或者是使用教程,今天突然发现了一个关键问题,也就是解决大家的后顾之忧 —— Hostwinds 退款问题。Hostwinds 是可以退款的,根据不同的情况,最长有 30 天的退款期。并且和其他服务商家不一样,不仅是新购,就连续费也是可以退款的。比如说你续费了但是突然后悔了,完全没问题,Hostwinds 为你退款。下面介绍一下 Hostwinds 退款政策,大家可以根据情况查阅。

下面就是具体的 Hostwinds 退款政策,后面老唐会再介绍一下具体的退款流程。

一、Hostwinds 退款政策

从 2019 年 9 月 11 日开始,Hostwinds 开始允许按比例退款他们的产品。具体怎么退款,适用什么产品,需要根据购买和申请退款的时间来决定,以及付款周期来决定。



  • 对于年付、两年付、或者三年付购买的服务,需要在付款后 30 天内,申请取消,并且提交工单申请退款。
  • 对于按月、季度或半年计费周期付款购买的服务,需要在付款后 2 天内,申请取消,并且提交工单申请退款。

必须在取消完成后的 14 天内向帐单小组提出退款要求(提交工单),才能收到承诺的按比例退款。

在上述时间范围之外被取消的服务将仅有资格获得按比例分配的 Hostwinds 帐户余额,并且这个余额需要提交工单获取。



  • 对于年付、两年付、或者三年付续费的服务,需要在付款后 14 天内,申请取消,并且提交工单申请退款。
  • 对于按月、季度或半年计费周期付款续费的服务,需要在付款后 2 天内,申请取消,并且提交工单申请退款。

必须在取消完成后的 14 天内向帐单小组提出退款要求(提交工单),才能收到承诺的按比例退款。

在上述时间范围之外被取消的服务将仅有资格获得按比例分配的 Hostwinds 帐户余额,并且这个余额需要提交工单获取。



  • 域名
  • 软件许可
  • SSL 证书
  • 已执行的服务
  • IP地址


  • 产品升级/降级
  • 按小时计费的任何服务或产品





为此,必须在完成取消后的 14 天内以工单的形式向计费团队要求退款或充值余额。



尽管可以使用 Hostwinds 帐户余额进行购买,但是这些余额的任何剩余部分都只能还原到 Hostwinds 帐户余额中,以备将来使用,因为它们将与帐户绑定在一起。





二、Hostwinds 便宜方案和新手教程

Hostwinds 便宜方案:

1 核1GB30GB1TB1Gbps$8.24/月购买$4.99/月购买
1 核2GB50GB2TB1Gbps$16.49/月购买$9.99/月购买
2 核4GB75GB2TB1Gbps$29.99/月购买$18.99/月购买
2 核6GB100GB2TB1Gbps$38.24/月购买$28.99/月购买
4 核8GB150GB3TB1Gbps$59.99/月购买$38.99月购买
4 核12GB200GB4TB1Gbps$74.99/月购买$49.99/月购买
6 核16GB300GB5TB1Gbps$110.24/月购买$76.99/月购买
8 核32GB400GB6TB1Gbps$168.74/月购买$124.99/月购买
12 核64GB500GB8TB1Gbps$274.49/月购买$214.99/月购买
16 核96GB750GB9TB1Gbps$395.24/月购买$328.99/月购买

Hostwinds 新手教程:

  1. Hostwinds 购买教程:新手用户注册账户并用支付宝完成购买
  2. Hostwinds 购买教程:VPS 主机和 Cloud 有什么区别?该选择哪个?
  3. Hostwinds 登录教程:购买后登录官网后台并登录管理控制面板
  4. Hostwinds 连接教程:获取 IP 地址、端口、密码进行 SSH 远程登录教程
  5. Hostwinds 建站教程:一键安装 LNMP 建站环境,部署 PHP + MySQL
  6. Hostwinds 建站教程:解析域名并添加网站配置 建立 WordPress 网站
  7. Hostwinds 建站教程:WordPress 网站设置 选择合适主题安装必要插件
  8. Hostwinds 迁移教程:购买 Hostwinds 之后可联系客服协助迁移网站数据
  9. Hostwinds 换 IP 教程:官网后台自助免费更换 IP 地址,解决连不上问题
  10. Hostwinds 速度慢怎么办?尝试安装 BBR 或升级其他商家 CN2 GIA 线路
  11. Hostwinds 中文新手教程汇总:套餐推荐 购买教程 使用教程 建站教程

三、Hostwinds 退款政策原文

To ensure that our Clients have the flexibility needed to better decide which of our services would work best for them before making a bigger commitment, we have started allowing prorated refunds for new orders or renewals.

Starting on the 11th of September 2019, we have begun to allow for a prorated refund of our offerings. Which would be applicable depending on the time in which they are canceled and the Billing Cycle they had been purchased on.

How Do I Receive A Prorated Refund For The First Billing Cycle?

Services in their first Billing Cycle would be issued a prorated refund upon request if they are canceled:

  • Within Thirty (30) days of purchase, for services purchased on an Annual, Biennial, or Triennial Billing Cycle.
  • Within Forty-Eight (48) hours of purchase, for services purchased on a Monthly, Quarterly, or Semiannual Billing Cycle

A refund request must be made within a ticket to the Billing team within Fourteen (14) days of completing the cancellation in order to receive the promised prorated refund. 

Services canceled outside of the above time frames would only be eligible for a prorated Hostwinds Account Credit, which would be issued upon request.

How Do I Receive A Prorated Refund For A Renewal?

A prorated refund will be issued for service renewals upon request if they are canceled:

  • Within Fourteen (14) days, for renewals of an Annual, Biennial, or Triennial Billing Cycle.
  • Within Forty-Eight (48) hours, for renewals of a Monthly, Quarterly, or Semiannual Billing Cycle 

A refund request must be made within a ticket to the Billing team within Fourteen (14) days of completing the cancellation in order to receive the promised prorated refund. 

Services canceled outside of the above time frames would only be eligible for a prorated Hostwinds Account Credit, which would be issued upon request.

Products And Services That Are Not Eligible For Refunds Of Any Kind

• Domains • Software Licenses • SSL’s • Services Performed • IP Addresses
• Product Upgrades/Downgrades • Any Services or Products that are Billed on an hourly basis

As our Hourly services are only invoiced for the time in which they were in use and are billed after that use, payments made for Hourly services would not be eligible for a refund of any kind.

No refunds would be issued for overage fees of any kind.

Prorated Refunds And Account Credit

All refunds or credits will be prorated to the cost of the full days of service remaining on the most recent billing cycle at the time that the cancellation had been completed.

For this to happen, a request for said refund or credit must be made to the Billing team in a ticket within Fourteen (14) days of completing cancellation.

Payment Methods That Are Not Eligible For Refunds

Payments made using Cryptocurrency and are not eligible for refunds.
While Hostwinds Account Credit can be used to make purchases, any remainder of such credits may only be restored to the Hostwinds account credit balance for future use as they would be tied to the account.

Do I Get A Refund If I Cancel Early?

A prorated refund would be applicable per the details listed further up in this article. The only exception to this would be services listed under the “Products and Services That Are Not Eligible For Refunds Of Any Kind” section.

Do I Receive A Prorated Refund If A Domain Name Was Provided With Purchase?

Clients who receive a Domain Name with purchase of their Shared, Business, or Reseller Hosting will still qualify for a prorated refund, however, the cost of the Domain Name will be deducted from the refund total.

Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《Hostwinds 退款政策:新购或续费都可退款,最长退款期 30 天