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Hostwinds Shared Web Hosting 和 Business Web Hosting 区别对比

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Hostwinds 目前除了 VPS 和独立服务器之外,还有虚拟主机业务,目前 Hostwinds 虚拟主机主要包括 Shared Web Hosting 和 Business Web Hosting 这两种,大家购买的时候可能会有疑惑,这两种方案到底有什么区别。所以今天老唐就为大家解读一下这两个方案的区别。

一、Hostwinds Shared Web Hosting 介绍



  • Solid State Drives
  • Softaculous Auto Install
  • Instant Setup
  • Free Website Transfers
  • Latest cPanel
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Free Dedicated IP
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain
  • Weebly Site Builder

二、Hostwinds Business Web Hosting 介绍


主要特性如下(和 Shared 区别部分已经加粗)

  • Litespeed Web Server
  • Optimized MySQL
  • Solid State Drives
  • Softaculous Auto Install
  • Instant Setup
  • Free Website Transfers
  • Latest cPanel
  • Unlimited Subdomains
  • Unlimited Email Accounts
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts
  • Free Dedicated IP
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Free Domain
  • Weebly Site Builder



Shared and Business Web Hosting are similar in many ways, however, some of their key differences are the number of clients per server and the use of Apache versus LiteSpeed web servers. Another difference between shared hosting and our business platform is that business allows for an increased inode limit, and increased hourly email limits. With these limits in place, you can rest assured your website will not being adversely impacted by others sharing your shared server’s resources. Such limits also prevent issues occurring with the web services that enable your website’s content to be displayed nicely for your visitors.

ur Business Web Hosting plans come with more resources than Shared Web Hosting plans. Business plans also offer higher PHP Memory Limits, higher inode limits, and an increased outbound email limit. When you have a Shared Web Hosting account, you share dedicated resources with more individuals than you would as a Business Web Hosting client. Furthermore, our Business Web Hosting plans utilize LiteSpeed Web Server, which gives your viewers faster loading times with they visit your website.


  • 共享和商业虚拟主机在许多方面都相似,但是,它们的一些主要区别是每台服务器的客户端数量以及Apache与LiteSpeed Web服务器的使用。共享托管与我们的业务平台之间的另一个区别是,业务允许增加inode限制和增加每小时电子邮件限制。有了这些限制,您可以放心,您的网站不会受到共享共享服务器资源的其他人的不利影响。这样的限制还可以防止网络服务出现问题,这些问题使您的网站内容可以很好地显示给访问者。
  • 您的企业虚拟主机计划比共享虚拟主机计划具有更多的资源。商业计划还提供了更高的PHP内存限制,更高的inode限制以及增加的出站电子邮件限制。当您拥有一个共享Web托管帐户时,与作为Business Web Hosting客户端的用户相比,您可以与更多的人共享专用资源。此外,我们的企业虚拟主机计划利用LiteSpeed Web服务器,它可以使观看者在访问您的网站时加快加载速度。

简单来说,Business Web Hosting 拥有的资源更多,可以让更多访客同时访问,建议入门直接购买 Shared 即可,后期网站流量多了可以使用 Business,毕竟价格也差了不少了。

四、Hostwinds 新手教程和优惠方案

Hostwinds 新手教程:

  1. Hostwinds 购买教程:新手用户注册账户并用支付宝完成购买
  2. Hostwinds 购买教程:VPS 主机和 Cloud 有什么区别?该选择哪个?
  3. Hostwinds 登录教程:购买后登录官网后台并登录管理控制面板
  4. Hostwinds 连接教程:获取 IP 地址、端口、密码进行 SSH 远程登录教程
  5. Hostwinds 建站教程:一键安装 LNMP 建站环境,部署 PHP + MySQL
  6. Hostwinds 建站教程:解析域名并添加网站配置 建立 WordPress 网站
  7. Hostwinds 建站教程:WordPress 网站设置 选择合适主题安装必要插件
  8. Hostwinds 迁移教程:购买 Hostwinds 之后可联系客服协助迁移网站数据
  9. Hostwinds 换 IP 教程:官网后台自助免费更换 IP 地址,解决连不上问题
  10. Hostwinds 速度慢怎么办?尝试安装 BBR 或升级其他商家 CN2 GIA 线路

Hostwinds 优惠方案:

1 核1GB30GB1TB1Gbps$8.24/月购买$4.99/月购买
1 核2GB50GB2TB1Gbps$16.49/月购买$9.99/月购买
2 核4GB75GB2TB1Gbps$29.99/月购买$18.99/月购买
2 核6GB100GB2TB1Gbps$38.24/月购买$28.99/月购买
4 核8GB150GB3TB1Gbps$59.99/月购买$38.99月购买
4 核12GB200GB4TB1Gbps$74.99/月购买$49.99/月购买
6 核16GB300GB5TB1Gbps$110.24/月购买$76.99/月购买
8 核32GB400GB6TB1Gbps$168.74/月购买$124.99/月购买
12 核64GB500GB8TB1Gbps$274.49/月购买$214.99/月购买
16 核96GB750GB9TB1Gbps$395.24/月购买$328.99/月购买
Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《Hostwinds Shared Web Hosting 和 Business Web Hosting 区别对比