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搬瓦工 BandwagonHost OpenVZ Phase Out 请尽快进行迁移

Sider GigsGigsCloud

搬瓦工 BandwagonHost 的 OpenVZ VPS 方案已经全面停止续费,目前已经临近最后几个月的存活期,老唐有几台是之前买的搬瓦工 OpenVZ VPS,之前有几台已经陆续都被取消了,最近看了看最后一台在 10 月 5 日的时候也已经到期被取消了。所以如果你们还有搬瓦工 OpenVZ 方案并且还没有进行数据迁移的,老唐在此提醒大家尽快进行数据迁移吧,不然数据就找不回来了。

如下图,就是前天到期的我账户下的最后一台 OpenVZ VPS。

一、OpenVZ VPS Phase Out


Dear Bandwagon Host Customer,

It is time for us to gradually phase out OpenVZ technology from our platform.

As you may know, OpenVZ v6 is going to reach EOL in November 2019. This means there will be no more security updates and no support provided by the developers,
and we will not be able to continue operating this technology after this happens.

We want you to have the best experience possible, and we have carefully looked into our options. The only two viable options were:
Option 1: Introduce OpenVZ 7;
Option 2: Ask customers to migrate to KVM.

We did take a good look at OpenVZ 7. Unfortunately, we found that it will require a significant development effort in order
to migrate all clients, and yet it offers no major advantages over OpenVZ 6 *or* KVM. At the same time, since introduction of our KVM plans back in June 2017 the vast
majority of our customers naturally migrated from OpenVZ to KVM which only reinforces the strength of KVM platform compared to OpenVZ.

Therefore we are going to discontinue OpenVZ support on our platform and we ask that all remaining OpenVZ customers migrate to KVM. We are disabling all OpenVZ renewals on our platform.

To make this transition smoother for you, we have extended the paid period for all OpenVZ VPS for two weeks, free of charge, for all customers. This will give you two extra weeks of time to make this transition to KVM.

We thank you for choosing Bandwagon Host and we are continuing to work on bringing the best virtualization technologies to our customers.

Daniel C

Bandwagon Host

You are receiving this service impacting notification because you have an active OpenVZ VPS with Bandwagon Host.

如果需要数据迁移,可以参考 搬瓦工中文网 提供的教程:《搬瓦工 VPS 从 OpenVZ 迁移文件数据到 KVM 平台的简易教程》。

更多关于搬瓦工 OpenVZ VPS 无法续费的消息:

二、便宜 KVM VPS 推荐

目前基本上所有 VPS 均已基于 KVM 方案,下面推荐的几个商家销售的都是基于 KVM 架构的 VPS。

便宜 VPS 商家:


更多域名注册商推荐,可以参考 搬砖部落 出品的《2019 年最好的便宜域名注册商推荐》。

Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《搬瓦工 BandwagonHost OpenVZ Phase Out 请尽快进行迁移