Dynadot 搬瓦工 腾讯云

VirMach:所有 OpenVZ VPS 即将迁移、免费升级到 KVM 架构

Sider GigsGigsCloud

今天上午收到邮件,VirMach 即将启动一项升级计划,会把目前所有基于 OpenVZ 的 VPS 方案都升级到 KVM 方案。升级之后 IP 地址将会变更,但是数据会保留。所以我们只需要把对应网站的 IP 信息进行更改即可。迁移需要几个小时,可能会停机几个小时。相比来说,搬瓦工之前的处理方案是让客户自己迁移,而这次 VirMach 选择了帮客户搞定一切,看起来是非常厚道了。下面看一下 VirMach 免费升级到 KVM 的详情。

一、VirMach 升级详情



  • IP 地址将会改变
  • 会停机几个小时;
  • 数据将被保留;
  • 续费价格不变;
  • 配置也不变;





  • 您服务的IPv4地址将更改
  • 迁移期间将需要几个小时,最多几个小时的停机时间
  • 您服务的数据将被迁移并保持不变
  • 数据相同时,可能需要进行软件调整
  • 借助较新的硬件,您的服务性能应会提高
  • 尽管您将获得更好的服务,但价格将保持不变
  • 对于法兰克福/凤凰城,您可能会暂时转移到附近的位置







您的服务将从即将到期的较旧的OpenVZ6节点移出。它将迁移到新的KVM节点。容器将被转换并移至该新服务器。您的计划将成为“ KVM Lite”软件包,这是我们的新服务系列,其功能比您当前的OpenVZ6服务更多,而功能比我们的高级KVM软件包低一些。转换时可能会出现一些已知问题。对于CentOS 7,可能需要重新安装一些RPM库才能使yum正常工作。对于Ubuntu 16,在某些情况下,可能需要使用systemctl enable命令重新启用正在运行的服务,以便systemd识别它们。拥有成千上万种不同的配置,您可能会遇到一个不同的意外问题,如果确实如此,请随时与我们联系以寻求帮助,但是请理解,由于要转换的服务数量众多,因此可能需要比平常更长的时间才能为您提供帮助。

您的服务将具有可扩展的专用磁盘空间,从当前磁盘使用量级别开始,直至服务器当前的最大磁盘分配。这意味着您的服务器似乎将具有较少的可用磁盘空间,并且如果您需要更多的空间,则可以随时通过服务页面自动扩展它。您的服务还将具有合理使用率的完整逻辑处理器内核,并且可以免费将其内核控制为KVM虚拟化的一部分。如果您的软件包资源非常少,我们可能还会增加这些资源,以便您的VPS在KVM虚拟化上继续平稳运行。但是,由于您的软件包最初是OpenVZ6,所以我们将不执行或不提供任何其他“高级”服务,例如自定义ISO挂载或Windows OS。





二、VirMach 促销和其他便宜 VPS 促销

VirMach 促销详情:《VirMach:$4.9/年,1核 256MB 5GB,超低价便宜 VPS 重现江湖》。

更多便宜 VPS 促销:

双十一活动汇总:《2019 年双十一域名、主机、VPS、服务器优惠促销活动汇总》。

便宜 VPS 商家:

更多国内 VPS 商家推荐,参考《2019 年最好用的便宜国内云服务器 VPS 主机商家排行推荐》。


更多域名注册商推荐,可以参考 搬砖部落 出品的《2019 年最好的便宜域名注册商推荐》。

三、VirMach 通知原文

Dear VirMach Customers,

Your service with us is currently running on virtualization technology that is no longer being supported. We will be moving your server to newer hardware to upgrade the virtualization software to one that is supported & improved.

What to expect:

    • Your service’s IPv4 address will change
    • There will be a few hours, up to several hours of downtime during migration
    • Your service’s data will be migrated and remain the same
    • While the data is the same, software adjustment may be necessary
    • Your service’s performance should increase, thanks to newer hardware
    • Although you are being moved to a better service, pricing will remain the same
    • For Frankfurt/Phoenix, you may temporarily be moved to a nearby location

Your affected services:

  • example-vm

Scheduled time & information:

Since we are migrating many people to several new servers, it is hard to pinpoint exact times this will occur. The scheduled time, if available, will be posted on the scheduled section of the Network Status page. Otherwise, if we miss the deadline, we will update the network issue page with more information & a new date as soon as possible. In any case, if the scheduled date is moved up to be sooner, we will attempt to give you 1-week notice. For Phoenix and Frankfurt locations, we have a limited amount of space. You may be moved to Amsterdam instead of Frankfurt, and Los Angeles instead of Phoenix. If this occurs, you will receive a free migration in the future back to the original location, if requested. After initially checking the network issue page for your service’s migration date, please check the network issue page again on the day of migration for further updates.

We recommend you back up your important data. While complications are rare, they may occur. Also, please note that you may have issues with your software, please check the “More Information” section below. If your IP address is changed, we will try to provide you the new IP address at least 24 hours in advance, so you can prepare. Please note, we will not be assigning any IPv6 addresses. Once again, any further updates or communication will occur on the network status page and you may not receive another email.

Other options:

Please do contact us if (1) you want to be migrated sooner, (2) you have any custom requests, or (3) you want to request a pro-rated refund and early cancellation if you prefer. We will try our best to accommodate you. Keep in mind, most new servers may become available at a later date so space is limited.

More information (for advanced users)

Your service will be moved from an older OpenVZ6 node, which is reaching end of life. It will be migrated to a newer KVM node. The container will be converted and moved over to this newer server. Your plan will become a “KVM Lite” package, which is our new line of services with more features than your current OpenVZ6 service, and slightly lower features than our premium KVM packages. Some known issues may occur upon conversion. For CentOS 7, some RPM libraries may need to be re-installed to get yum to work. For Ubuntu 16, there are some cases where your running services may need to be re-enabled for systemd to recognize them by using the systemctl enable command. With the thousands of different configurations, you may face a different unexpected issue, if you do, feel free to contact us for assistance, but please understand that due to the number of services being converted, it may take longer than usual to assist you.

Your service will have expandable dedicated disk space, starting above your current disk usage level, up to your server’s current maximum disk allocation. This means that your server will appear to have less usable disk space and should you require more space, you can expand it automatically at any time through the service page. Your service will also have full logical processor core(s) with fair usage, and the ability to control its kernel as a part of KVM virtualization, free of charge. If you have a package with very low resources, we may also increase these so your VPS continues to run smoothly on KVM virtualization. However, as your package was initially OpenVZ6, we will not perform or provide any additional “premium” services, such as custom ISO mounts, or the Windows OS.


Please visit the Network Status page in the billing area for any updates about this migration. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our support team through the ticketing feature on our billing panel.

We are sorry for any inconvenience caused, and we hope you enjoy your improved and fully virtualized service on newer hardware.

Thank you,
The VirMach Team

Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《VirMach:所有 OpenVZ VPS 即将迁移、免费升级到 KVM 架构