今天看到 LowEndTalk 上面有个帖子,说是 AnyNode 已经被 BuyVM 收购了。因为我目前已经没有持有 AnyNode 的 VPS 产品了,所以应该是没有收到邮件,大家如果手头还有 AnyNode 的 VPS 的话估计也收到邮件了吧。AnyNode 这家几年前收购了 Hostigation,然后似乎一直过得不怎么样,之前推出过 CN2 GIA 线路,后来又没有然后了。看看官网产品也基本上一直是处于缺货状态,所以卖 VPS 到底能不能赚钱?如果赚钱为什么他就做不下去呢,如果不赚钱又为什么这几年这么多新商家冒出来呢?
一、BuyVM 收购 AnyNode 邮件
AnyNode VPS客户转向BuyVM
经过内部大量讨论和审议之后,我们决定与BuyVM(Frantech Solutions)合作,以获取所有AnyNode VPS帐户。 BuyVM是托管空间中公认的提供商,并且是AnyNode的长期合作伙伴-为我们在拉斯维加斯的位置提供带宽。
此举意味着为VPS客户提供更高的服务质量,新的VPS管理面板,对受DDoS保护的IP等新附加组件的访问权限以及更多其他功能。 BuyVM还提供了我们已经提供的功能,例如免费的DirectAdmin许可证和BGP会话。
为了方便进行此操作,您需要执行手动操作。 VPS将在BuyVM上重新创建,包括IP地址更改。请仔细阅读以下说明,以请求您的新VPS。
这适用于所有AnyNode VPS客户(KVM,OpenVZ Wedge)。拉斯维加斯VPS将立即重新创建,迈阿密VPS将在接下来的几周内重新创建-或者您可以请求移至拉斯维加斯以立即重新创建一个新的BuyVM VPS。
所有AnyNode VPS将于2021年8月1日关闭。
VPS客户必须在BuyVM上创建一个帐户(如果您还没有)。我们不会迁移客户详细信息或登录信息,您必须在 https://my.frantech.ca/register.php 创建一个帐户
您必须包括当前AnyNode VPS的IP地址。
如果您选择了帐户信用选项,则当前AnyNode VPS上的剩余时间将被计算为信用,并应用于您的BuyVM帐户。
4-所有AnyNode VPS将于8月1日终止
重要提示-如果您为AnyNode VPS使用Paypal进行定期付款设置,则必须登录Paypal并自行取消。
BuyVM不提供OpenVZ计划,因此将向选择迁移其服务的OpenVZ VPS客户提供类似规格的KVM VPS,而不是OpenVZ。
AnyNode VPS Customers Moving To BuyVM
After much discussions and deliberation internally, we’ve decided to partner with BuyVM (Frantech Solutions) to acquire all AnyNode VPS accounts. BuyVM is a well established provider in the hosting space and a long time partner of AnyNode’s – providing us with bandwidth in our Las Vegas location.
This move means a higher quality of service for VPS customers, a new VPS management panel, access to new add-ons like DDoS protected IPs, and much more. Features we already offer, like free DirectAdmin licenses and BGP sessions are also available at BuyVM.
This decision stems from a falling out we had with developers building our new in-house VPS panel. Things weren’t progressing as we expected and it effectively left us starting over on development. We feel this move leaves our VPS customers in even more capable hands and allows us to focus on other parts of the company.
In order to facilitate this move, there is manual action required on your part. VPS’s will be recreated at BuyVM, including an IP address change. Please read the instructions below carefully to request your new VPS.
This applies to all AnyNode VPS customers (KVM, OpenVZ Wedge). Las Vegas VPS’s will be recreated immediately, Miami VPS’s will be recreated in the coming weeks – or you can request a move to Las Vegas to have a new BuyVM VPS recreated immediately.
All AnyNode VPS’s will be shut down by August 1st, 2021.
Important Instructions
1 – Create An Account With BuyVM
VPS customers must create an account at BuyVM (if you don’t already have one). We will not be migrating customer details or logins, you must create an account at https://my.frantech.ca/register.php
Use real information when signing up to avoid being denied by the fraud detection system.
Please use the same email you use at AnyNode when creating the account to make it easier to verify you.
2 – Open A Billing Ticket And Request A Move OR Account Credit
Open a ticket with BuyVM’s billing department. In this ticket please tell them whether you’d like to have a new service provisioned with the same specifications as your current plan, or if you’d like an account credit.
You must include the IP address(es) of your current AnyNode VPS(‘s).
Ticket Subjects:
AnyNode Migration – [IP.Address]
AnyNode Migration – Account Credit
3 – A New VM Will Be Created At BuyVM – OR Account Credits Assigned
After verifying the details, BuyVM will create a VPS to the same specifications as your current AnyNode plan and provide a free month of service for you to migrate your data. You will be assigned a new IP address for the VM.
If you’ve selected the account credit option, the remaining time on your current AnyNode VPS(‘s) will be calculated as a credit and applied to your BuyVM account.
4 – All AnyNode VPS’s Will Be Terminated August 1st
Important – If you have a recurring payment setup with Paypal for your AnyNode VPS, you must login to Paypal and cancel it yourself.
If you do not follow the above steps to request a new VPS at BuyVM, all AnyNode hosted VPS’s will go offline on August 1st, 2021. So please get a head start on this and get your new VPS provisioned with BuyVM to avoid service interruption.
Service-Specific Notices
OpenVZ Wedges
BuyVM does not offer OpenVZ plans, so OpenVZ VPS customers who choose to migrate their service will be provisioned with a similar specification KVM VPS instead of an OpenVZ one.
OpenVZ Resellers
BuyVM does not have a reseller system in place, but may be able to provide some options to resellers. Please reach out to BuyVM’s sales department via ticket to discuss these options.
Dedicated, Managed & IP Resource Customers
There are no changes to AnyNode Dedicated, Managed or IP Resource customers – this change only impacts VPS plans.
From the team here at AnyNode, we just want to say thank you for your patronage and trust in us over the years. This transition was a tough decision for us to make, but we truly feel this is the best path forward for AnyNode and that you’ll be in even better hands with a new VPS at BuyVM.
AnyNode Team
二、优质稳定 VPS 推荐
建站 VPS 主机推荐请参考:
- 《2021 年好用的建站 VPS 主机商家推荐(面向中国大陆用户)》
- 《2021 年好用的建站 VPS 主机商家推荐(面向境外用户/外贸建站主机)》
- 《#老唐推荐# 最好用的国内云服务器、国外便宜 VPS 推荐》
优先推荐使用搬瓦工 VPS 进行建站。
- 搬瓦工购买教程:《2021 最新搬瓦工购买教程:新用户注册账户、选择套餐、支付宝付款》
方案 | 内存 | CPU | 硬盘 | 流量/月 | 带宽 | 机房 | 价格 | 购买 |
KVM (最便宜) | 1GB | 2核 | 20GB | 1TB | 1Gbps | DC2 AO DC8 ZNET | $49.99/年 | 购买 |
KVM | 2GB | 3核 | 40GB | 2TB | 1Gbps | $52.99/半年 $99.99/年 | 购买 | |
CN2 GIA-E (最推荐) | 1GB | 2核 | 20GB | 1TB | 2.5Gbps | DC6 CN2 GIA-E DC9 CN2 GIA 日本软银 JPOS_1 联通荷兰 EUNL_9 | $49.99/季度 $169.99/年 | 购买 |
CN2 GIA-E | 2GB | 3核 | 40GB | 2TB | 2.5Gbps | $89.99/季度 $299.99/年 | 购买 | |
HK | 2GB | 2核 | 40GB | 0.5TB | 1Gbps | 中国香港 CN2 GIA | $89.99/月 $899.99/年 | 购买 |
HK | 4GB | 4核 | 80GB | 1TB | 1Gbps | $155.99/月 $1559.99/年 | 购买 | |
OSAKA | 2GB | 2核 | 40GB | 0.5TB | 1.5Gbps | 日本大阪 CN2 GIA | $49.99/月 $499.99/年 | 购买 |
OSAKA | 4GB | 4核 | 80GB | 1TB | 1.5Gbps | $86.99/月 $869.99/年 | 购买 |