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CloudFlare 添加域名提示错误 “1049 example.com is not a registered domain” 的解决方法


今天在添加一个域名的时候提示 “1049 example.com is not a registered domain” 错误,当然这里的 example.com 就是我自己的域名。总之就是死活添加不了,CloudFlare 一直提示错误。搞得我还以为我的域名有什么问题,然后就搜了一下解决方法,看到 CloudFlare 官方论坛给出了解决方法,在此分享一下。



Try the suggestions in this Community Tip to help you fix Code: 1049.

A Code: 1049 is returned when trying to add a domain to Cloudflare. When this happens, in your browser you’ll see the message similar to “example.com is not a registered domain (Code: 1049)”. The error Code: 1049 means the domain isn’t registered, the domain has no name servers, the domain name servers can’t be resolved, or the domain name servers don’t contain any DNS records and as a result the domain cannot be added to Cloudflare. The error does not mean the zone is banned, simply that it cannot be added at the moment.


  • 尝试将域名添加到 Cloudflare 时返回代码:1049。发生这种情况时,在浏览器中,您会看到类似于 “example.com 不是注册域名(代码:1049)” 的消息。
  • 错误代码:1049 表示域名未注册,域名没有 DNS 服务器,域名服务器无法解析,或者域名服务器不包含任何 DNS 记录,因此域名不能添加到 Cloudflare。
  • 该错误并不意味着该域名被禁止,只是暂时无法添加。

简单来说,就是你的域名目前设置的 DNS 服务器无法正常解析你的域名,导致 CloudFlare 无法正常添加你的域名。


最简单的解决方法就是:先把你的域名的 DNS 服务器改成你域名注册商的默认 DNS 服务器,然后再在 CloudFlare 添加该域名。


Quick Fix Ideas

  1. The domain does not return valid name servers. In order to add a domain to Cloudflare, the domain must first be delegated to valid nameservers. Either park the domain using the registrars default nameservers or delegate to a third party DNS provider temporarily. Either action will allow you to add the domain.
  2. Use the following website to test if there are any nameservers resolving for your zone. If you enter your domain name and click on the button, this should show you the nameservers for your domain: Dig web interface 363.
  3. The domain is not registered. Run a whois command to verify if the domain is valid, $ whois example.com.


Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《CloudFlare 添加域名提示错误 “1049 example.com is not a registered domain” 的解决方法