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Kdatacenter:$19/月起,韩国 VPS,三网直连超低延迟,建站推荐

Sider GigsGigsCloud

Kdatacenter 是一家来自韩国的 VPS 主机商家,主要销售的自然就是韩国 VPS。目前到大陆三网均为直连,延迟很低,当然比不上中国香港的延迟,但是也基本都在七八十毫秒。用来建站比较合适,毕竟价格还是稍微有点贵的,一个月最便宜的是 $19 美元,配置为 1G 内存、100GB SSD 硬盘,500GB 月流量。带宽为 1Gbps,操作系统可以选择 Linux 或者 Windows,灵活性还是比较大的。

We as a Korean VPS hosting provider here at Kdatacenter truly understand your business needs and provide the best customized solution. We can offer for you a wide range of Linux/Windows VPS hosting plans that can be modified as per your business need. Choose the best Linux/Windows VPS hosting plans and stay ahead of your competitors.

Any OS Choice We currently support CentOS, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, Debian, and Fedora. And you can later change to any other OS we offer whenever you like, with no additional cost. Supported OS are setup within 4 hours.

Low latency to China, Japan, Hongkong and Taiwan!! Korea is the best location for the online service.

Go to speedtest site and Click the button written as “BEGIN TEST YOUR PREFERRED SERVER” in order to check our server speed.

上面是 Kdatacenter 对于他们的 SSD VPS 的介绍,简单抓重点:

  • 可以提供 Linux、Windows VPS,包括 CentOS、Windows Server 2008、Windows Server 2012、Ubuntu、FreeBSD、Debian、Fedora 等,后续换系统免费;
  • 到中国大陆、日本、中国香港、中国台湾地区超低延迟。

一、Kdatacenter 方案介绍


如图所示,最便宜的就是上面说的 $19 美元一个月的方案。

目前可以使用优惠码获取额外 5% 优惠:L5H6SI0BJT3X

二、Kdatacenter 测试 IP 和延迟测试


Kdatacenter 延迟测试:

Kdatacenter 丢包率测试:

Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《Kdatacenter:$19/月起,韩国 VPS,三网直连超低延迟,建站推荐