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Network Solutions:.IO 域名注册优惠仅需 $4.99,历史低价


Network Solutions 目前注册 .IO 域名仅需 $4.99/首年,这个价格除了便宜不知道还能说啥,超级便宜?反正老唐目前还没见过比这个更便宜的价格,仅需 $4.99,人民币 30 多块钱,就可以注册一个 .IO 域名。不过续费一般来说比较贵,可能要三四十美元。但是到期之后我们完全可以转出到其他注册商,一般二十多美元就可以搞定。一般来说,注册域名之后一年之后如果网站步入正轨,那么我们也不差这个续费钱。如果网站没有起色,那也该好好考虑一下续费的必要性了。

如果需要转出 .IO 域名,到时候可以转出到 Dynadot,参考《Dynadot 网站注册账户、购买域名、支付宝付款、解析域名教程》。

一、Network Solutions .IO 域名注册优惠


可以看到如下图所示优惠内容,首年仅需 $4.99 即可注册一个 .IO 域名,其他域名也有对应的优惠。优惠有效期到 2020 年 7 月 1 日,有需要购买的抓紧了。

二、Network Solutions 优惠说明

The promotional price listed for .IO is $4.99. The promotional price point applies to the initial charge on a one-year term of an applicable domain name. This offer is valid until the time of the domain renewal. Not valid on Premium Domain purchases. After the promotional period has ended, a recurring yearly fee for the service will automatically be billed to the payment method on file at the then-current rate plus applicable taxes. These prices are subject to change at the sole discretion of Network Solutions. These services auto-renew and will renew at the then-current rate. Customer may cancel auto-renew at any time by contacting Network Solutions at 844-282-6386. For additional details see Service Agreement.


Dynadot Hostwinds
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文章名称:《Network Solutions:.IO 域名注册优惠仅需 $4.99,历史低价